I just moved into Ulpan Etzion (the first ulpan established in the state of Israel). I live in a dorm-type setting, have two roommates (one from South Africa whom I absolutely love and another from Kazakhstan or Russia - I've not yet been able to get a clear answer on this - whom I have seen once since she moved in two days ago).
Ulpan classes began on Wednesday. I was put into Bet-Shalosh, for those of you who know. For the rest of you - it's like I'm starting in the third term of Sophomore year, second level, third tier. Four words: I need a break. My brain hurts. It's all in Hebrew, and, although I understand 95% of what she says, after an hour or two, I NEED a brain-break. Today (Thursday) was easier than the first day, but I have SOOO much homework!
But.....the social life calls. Thursday night here, being the night before the day the Sabbath starts, is the party night. Actually, Israelis will party just as hard any night of the week, but Thursday night even more so.
A few of my new friends and I are going out for a drink in a few minutes. Fun!
Just to give you an idea of the truly international-meeting place this ulpan is: my roommates - South Africa, Kazakhstan/Russia; my friend in class - Australia; the girls next door - Miami, originally from Brasil and France; the girls across the hall - Las Vegas and Uruguay, and I am sitting in a room with three notoriously loud Brasilians and an American. Phew!
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